What You Might Notice:

“I feel like I can’t relax. It’s hard for me to sit down on the couch or take time for myself even if I technically have a pocket of time to do it.”

“My muscles are tense and I feel uncomfortable in my body.”

“I just keep thinking about everything that could go wrong. I think about accidents myself or loved ones could have or things that could go wrong at work.”

“I find myself constantly comparing myself to other people and feeling as if I’m not good enough. I wish I could embrace and accept myself as I am.”

“My anxiety is sky high prior to spending time with people. Beforehand, I overanalyze every detail, from what I’ll wear to what we’ll talk about. Afterward, I comb over every facet of the interaction and tell myself what I should have done differently. It’s exhausting.”


How We Find Relief:

Building Understanding: We explore triggers for anxiety and get a better understanding of what type of anxiety you are experiencing. I have specialized experience treating:

  • Generalized Anxiety (day-to-day anxiety).

  • Social Anxiety (anxiety in social situations or situations in which you might be observed or evaluated by others).

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (repeated thoughts that cause distress and are associated with the urge to complete some type of action to reduce distress) **Of note, OCD is no longer grouped with anxiety disorders in the DSM-5 but listed in this category for brevity.

Calming Strategies: We learn and practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques that you can use to calm your body when your experience anxious thoughts.

Thinking Strategies: We learn how to notice unhelpful thoughts (e.g., “I’’m so awkward”) and engage in more helpful/balanced thinking (e.g., “I may not get it right 100% of the time and that is part of being a human.”)

Facing Fears: Anxiety often causes us to avoid things, even things that are important to us or could make our lives better. We practice facing your fears one step at a time.